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Late nights, early mornings- Dresses that can do both!

Versatility is all a girl really needs, especially when it comes in a dress. For those I cant believe I slept over moments, to the OMG! I have no clean work clothes mornings, we'll show you how to turn one of your night out dress to a fashionable work statement.

Skater dresses will never go out of style in my eyes, but you cant wear them everywhere because of the length... or can you?

Dresses like these can easily pass for work attire, just stop by your local Walgreens or CVS on the way to work and grab you some tights. Although the dress is still pretty short a little less skin can make all the difference

Then we have our bodycon dresses, that pass the length check but the way it hugs your curves theres no way you could walk into your job and not break necks.

When those date nights turn into night caps and you wake up with no time to rush home to change- Grab one of your boyfriends blazers or if you're like me and are always cold, grab the cardigan you keep in the car. You don't want to startle anyone who had no clue what you really working with.

Now what about the dresses that pass the length check and the fit check, but just show too much cleavage. If you don't want all the men in your office staring at your chest instead of your eyes, we got an easy fix for you to still wear these type of dresses too.

And it's quite simple. Throw on a cute button down or turtle neck underneath. Now your chest isn't exposed at all and your fashionably on time, despite the amazing night you had.

Check out our TikTok account where we give you more tips on multiple ways you can style and wear a dress based on the occasion.

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